Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 6 Paris

Another day in Paris!!! I had forgotten how cool this city is! Another amazing spring day! Took the Bateau Mouche down the river Seine, hopped off at the Eiffel Tower and took a ride to the top for some great views of the city!!! Another nice lunch outside and more French wine...and back on the boat for more pretty sites on the Seine, the Louvre, Pont Neuf, etc..it goes on and on so many sites here everywhere you look, left and right famous shit!!

This evening we head out on the metro..subway over to Montmartre and the Sacre Coeur. We get off the metro and see people running to catch the elevator?? no big deal we will take the steps...think spiral staircase u the empire state building....I was so dizzy at the top I could barely stand..and then we come out, walk a block and are at the bottom of a bazillion more steps to the top where the Sacre Coeur sits!!! Oh my freakin something! So we start walkin, almost to the top we hear singing, laughing and clapping..the stairs below the church are filled with people, it looks like a stadium, and a guy is at the bottom with a guitar leading the sing along to the Beatles Imagine..really cool scene....

And we reach the top as the sun starts to set over the city...this is one of the most magnificent views I think...and the Sacre Coeur shines as the last sun hits it...we sat on the steps and just enjoyed it all....

Wandering through the narrow streets of Montmartre with all the cafes and artists it all comes back to me being there 23 years ago...and the portrait I had done in the same square where people are sitting for portraits today...the same portrait still on the wall in Mom and Dad's house. We find a cute cafe and take a seat along the cobblestone road and eat french wine and cheese for hours...

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