Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home to Colorado

Took a quick trip to Colorado during my 6 days in the states before Greece. Got off the plane to a gorgeous Colorado spring day!! The bright blue skies were a perfect back drop for the snow capped mountains. I felt like a tourist in my own state, I was a bit giddy and pulled over to take pictures.... I miss Colorado! Headed up to Evergreen, it's the same but so different in the 8 months since I left..new restaurants, changed restaurants, new shops, new buildings...still gorgeous! I have missed it! and then...spring in the Rockies....we get a foot of beautiful snow!!! Yup me in my thongs, jandals(japanese sandals, kiwi speak), flip flops, whatever you call them.. and a foot of snow...so lovely and then..melt..melt..melt and blue skies..love springtime...quick trip but good for the soul...

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