Monday, March 24, 2008

Maggie Island to Cairns/ Croc Farm

3.24.08 Magnetic to Cairns

Woke up early and watched the sunrise on the ocean from my bed...wish we were staying in this little a-frame longer, it is lovely..the ocean breeze rolls in and I just cuddle in my sheets and listen and watch the crashing waves...

Have to peel myself off the bed and head down to the bus for 8am then to catch the ferry back to Townsville and on to the Oz bus for the last ride!!! Magnetic was fun so glad we went and stayed 2 nights, had fun hangin with the Aussie's too!!

We stop in Mission Beach for a brief stop, small quiet little town, had planned to try to skydive here as you jump to beach and see the reef and land on the beach, however time does not permit...bummer..I got the bug now...On the was in there are all these signs saying slow down speed kills we ask the bus driver, cause the signs are pretty funny and graphic, showing a car hitting a big bird..soooo the Cassowarie is this big bird, big like an emu or ostrich with a helmet thin on its head..the cassowary...and they are the most deadly bird in the world....bizaare..yes.. The Cassowary kills people with it's jumps up in the air and uses one of its toes to rip you open and reached into the person and rips you guts out, basically disembowels you...nice huh!!!! Anyway, the bus driver is telling us about the bird and how we will not see one in the wild, he has only seen 1 in all his years and....what the??? Out across the road walks a cassowary....I thought the driver was going to die...he was flipping out!!! Really Really Really rare to see...and it just wanders across the road and into the bush....CRAZY!!!!!!

We leave mission beach and head over to Johnstone and to the Crocodile farm and Reserve. This place is is the home for Rogue crocs who have to be taken out of society for basically being a menace..or killing to many girlfriends. We walk around and our guide wakes them up and gives a bit of a feed...They are huge and really aggressive...2 of them have killed people!!! one killed 30 cattle, a dog, another killed 15 girlfriends! There are so many here the pens go on and on!! Then we got to see the alligators, Steve the guide hopped in the water and picked up the was whipping its tail and smacking his back very hard...the alligators are smaller and less aggressive, and a bit cuter...

Next we grabbed Kangaroo food and went to feed the kangaroos who roam all over the reserve, they are quite tame and you can just walk up to them and they just stand there, there fur is much softer than it looks. We saw and fed and pet kangaroo's of every age shape and style, Mom's with joey's in pouches and old men...very cool...

On to the emu's and cassowaries!!!!! Guide man was shocked we had actually seen one!!! Then he brought out all the lizards and I wandered over and bought an icecream and made a friend as the male cocateel climbed up my arm to my shoulder and hung out with me the rest of the time!! Fun times at the farm!!!

Onto Cairns, smallish city, like 200,000, settled in to the room and just wanted to sleep...long day...

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